Explore: TinyPartyBrands
The Story
Our mission began with learning how to celebrate each moment. Funnily enough, I learned this tactic in the most basic form in a puppy training book. In the basics of dog training, you say a command on the off chance your pup listens to you. After an hour of head tilts and confused biting, on the 43th (you counted) 'sit!' your pup finally plants his butt on the carpet, you celebrate!
But not an ordinary celebration, that book insisted. You throw a little party for your pup's every achievement--clap your hands, get your excited voice on, make it rain treats--whatever you need to do to establish a job well done. But consistency is absolutely key: for each achievement you have to keep throwing that little party. 'Every. Single. Time.', that book said in bold.
In human language, a puppy training book taught me to create a cycle of positive reinforcement, celebrate excessively, reap rewards. In the pursuit of ultimate love of self I've reinterpreted it as:
No matter how small the achievement, Throw a Tiny Party.
Mantra: Love self, Celebrate self, reward self, love self.
We hope create an intersection of loving self and high ethics, starting with our mission of celebrating every moment.
No Matter How Small, Throw a Tiny Party
The Mission
As the first project of Tiny Party Brands, CremeWear is the on-going conclusion I have found to elusive question of, "What makes me happy?" I found myself asking the wall. I stopped asking myself. Eventually, a silent room will answer.
Self – was the beginning of the answer. Selfcare - was the end of the answer.
The love of self is the journey to the answer of, 'What makes you happy?"
Self is the only one with you along the journey. Body is simply what you drag along. Finding harmony between the two during the journey is the only the first step of, "What makes me happy?"
The key I've found to melding self and body is all indulgence. Indulgence in self across every spectrum--mental, spiritual, financial and beyond--because satisfying the wants of self accounts to acts of self love.
Love self to avoid asking others. Love self to love others. Love self shamelessly. Love self recklessly.
And do it in luxury.
Creator & Founder
Tiny Party, LLC is owned and operated by Eboni Ajayi who currently holds an Undergraduate Degree from the University of San Diego with a Major in Finance and a minor in Management.
I specialize in the luxury sector in retail and beauty industry.
Bubbles!, a Poodle/Pom mix, is chief inspiration officer and mental health adovcate of Tiny Party Brands and its founder.
Research Topics:
-obtain ethical consumption under capitalism.
Ethics Start With Intentions
More About Tiny Party Brands
Critical Ingredients
We do the research so you don't have to. We go beyond organic, non-GMO labels, and ~trendy~ ingredients because really pride as the few who believe in only the best for you.
In House Production
Our biggest goal is to limit all waste from the production process to how are products are used by you--and you're going to notice. Compostable shipping mailers and sustainable product contains are just the start.
Eco-Sustainable Production
Our biggest goal is to limit all waste from the production process to how are products are used by you--and you're going to notice. Compostable shipping mailers and sustainable product contains are just the start.
Ethical Consumption
Nothing here will violate your conscious by bioaccumulating in our oceans or collecting in landfills. Beyond avoiding plastic microbeads, chemical sunscreens, and (your fav) BHA exfoliants, see what else we avoid and why.
Human Testing-Not Animal!
Only consenting humans were compensated for their involvement for all Tiny Party Brands products. Want to get in on the action? Join our Social Circle.
Watch The Process
Watch how our orders are made from stir to ship and get a peek at the process. By request, you can have your order filmed from start to finish!